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Oklahoma The Country’s Top Marijuana Market.

NorOklahoma hemp farm in rowsmally, we like to produce our own articles highlighting the advances and benefits of CBD and marijuana. But there are occasions when we come across published articles that we believe are well worth bringing to the attention of our readers.
This article “How One of the Reddest States Became the Nation’s Hottest Weed Market” is, without doubt, one of them and is well worth reading.

Apart from the fact that Oklahoma is a strong Republican State, which in itself goes against the normal view that conservatives are anti-legalization, there are clearly some lessons here that other States, including those who currently have legislation in place as well as those who will be enacting new laws following the November polls.

This is not to say Oklahoma has got it right.  It may well be that in allowing unlimited licenses at a relatively low cost, and medical cards with little control on who can obtain one, they have allowed the market to expand too quickly.

Please do read this article and let us know your views in the comments.  It will be interesting to see whether this approach is a better option than those States who, although “legalizing” medical marijuana have placed overly stringent licensing controls so as to have made acquiring medical almost impossible or exceptionally expensive.

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