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Tomato plants and LED Grow Lights

LED Grow Lights for Everyone

LED Grow Lights–Not Just for Weed Anymore

Great article in the Washington Post a fair while ago about “high-tech farmers” using LED Grow Lights to grow collard greens in a Cincinnati warehouse.

“In agricultural applications, LED lights are used in ways that seem to border on alchemy, changing how plants grow, when they flower, how they taste, and even their levels of vitamins and antioxidants. The lights can also prolong their shelf life.”

Of course, none of this is news to our readers.  We understand that LED Grow Lights are a better alternative to sunlight than anything else.

Like the article says: “But it is the LED lighting that has changed the game. Conventional greenhouses have relied on high-pressure sodium lamps to supplement sunlight, but HPS lights can be ill-suited to solar-free farms because they consume far more power to produce the same light levels.

Infographic on LED Grow Light research
Why LED Grow Lights make better lettuce

We know just how effective LED Grow lights can be in bringing in a bigger, tastier crop–so bring on your tomato marijuana plants.

Stay tuned for a video interview with the farmers who are growing better vegetables at 80Acres Farms in Ohio.