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Buckers And Bucking Machines

If you think that trimming is a time-consuming job then bucking, that is de-stemming marijuana or hemp comes a close second.

As with trimming this can be done by hand if the number of plants involved is fairly small, but once you get to commercial quantities you need to ramp up the volume that can be handled.  Bucking comes before trimming, of course, and prepares the buds for the trimming stage. Too much handling at this stage can compromise the eventual quality and going through hundreds of pounds of different size stems isn’t fun and if nothing else can be labor-intensive.

This is where a bucking machine can quickly pay for itself. As with trimmers, the type of machine and the quantity it can handle will depend entirely on the size of your operation. So let’s delve into some alternatives:

Gentle Cut Buckers

As the name suggests these machines will handle your buds in a fashion similar to doing the job by hand except they do it much quicker.  They handle the buds in a gentle way, to preserve the flavor while at the same time protecting delicate buds from mishandling.

High Capacity Buckers

If you have to process cannabis in the hundreds of pounds capacity on a regular basis you need something with more power and a little less finesse to get the job done.  These machines will still deal gently with your buds but not to the same extent as a gentle cut machine or de-stemming by hand.

As already mentioned only you will know which is the best option for your business depending on the amount of material you need to handle.  And, let’s be honest, these machines are not cheap but the saving in labor costs and processing time will soon make them pay for themselves.

So now let’s look at some options:

Both these machines are Gentle Cut Buckers. The CenturionPro GC1 will handle 40 pounds of wet and eight (8) pounds of dry material per hour and can sit on a table. stems are collected in a vacuum bag for easy disposal.

However, if you want a greater capacity but the same handling the CenturionPro GC3 will handle 120+ lbs per hour wet, 24 lbs per hour of dry material. Each of the three units can be managed independently, so if there should be a jam or problem with one the other two can continue to operate.


These two machines are the High capacity versions of the Gentle Cut Buckers above. The HP1 will handle a bucking rate of 175 pounds wet or 35 pounds of dry material whilst the HP3 triples the amounts to buck 500 pounds wet, 100 pounds dry in an hour. Both feature several feeds for stems of different diameters.

If you really have a large operation then this is is the ultimate Bucker. It has a capacity of up to 2,400 pounds of wet buds and 480 pounds of dry buds in an hour.

With several built-in sets of nozzles, the Megabucker can handle different diameters of stems and have up to 16 operators working together to de-bud at full capacity.

Only available by pre-order so if this is what you need don’t wait to request a quote.

Of course, there are several other alternatives at a variety of capacities and prices so if you are looking for one of these machines do check them out by visiting our recommended supplier Trimleaf.