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Online MoneyMakers For You

I have collected a few ideas for you about online money-making.  Of course, all of these systems work about the same–they give you a cheap (or free) offer for the first level and then gradually talk you into a higher and higher level, sometimes meaning a higher and higher price and sometimes not.

Nonetheless, these can be profitable and easy to operate if you pick one or two and stick with it.  One of the keys is to mine your email list—wait–you don’t have one?

That’s one of the stumbling blocks, isn’t it.  Well, there is a solution and it doesn’t mean spending a lot of money.  And it definitely does not mean buying a mailing list.

But it takes a your time and some concentration.  That’s where these online money-making systems I have listed come in:  they save you a lot of time and they have done a lot of the concentration.

So here we go with a brief list and overview.

My favorite is MonsterMode.  This is basically a multi-level marketing system where the commissions generated come from the buyers of your buyers–so you want to make sure that the people you bring in to the system will make an effort to sell it to others.  One of the best ways to do this is to find other people who already have done MLM (like MaryKay or Amway or Pampered Chef or . . .  (here is a huge list of them.). These are people who almost certainly have a large list of contacts.  So here is what you do . . .you offer to buy them for 20 bucks the first level of any system (again, this works for MonsterMode which is my favorite) as long as they agree to send out their OWN link to their own list and generate their own commission.  Your benefit comes when someone buys from your buyer and you begin to get the commissions from the second level buyer’s efforts.

But if you want to start with something easier, then how about a 1 Page website that gathers commissions for you on autopilot.  Click this link to see how it it works.

Or if getting email traffic is your roadblock, try this system for developing an email list.  This one has the first level free.

Here is another Done For You system (DFY) system to capture traffic from multiple lists. It uses a few tricks to get into people’s inboxes with greater reliability.

Finally, here is a very complete DFY system with everything you need ready to go out of the box.  This one ranks in the category of so simple it should be illegal.

So there you are.  Remember, most of these systems offer discounts if you move your cursor like you are leaving the page.  Also remember that there is a money-back offer on most of them, but I urge you to at least pick one and try it for a week.  Work at it every day and you will get success.

Good Karma to you.

MaryJane Farmer

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