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New Grower Photos

Hello.  MaryJane here.

Maybe you read my post yesterday about helping a new grower from Washington who is setting up his grow space. I went through his list of components and tried to find some better or less expensive alternatives, as well as commenting on some of the possible expectations (like what is the ROI, or Return on Investment for growing your own.)  Here is the article if you missed it.  Well, this new grower has his tent set up and operating and he sent a few photos.

He also had a question:

Finished tent!!! Had to get humidifier. Was only holding 30% humidity. Still having a hard time even getting it up to 40%<. Any suggestions?

Although he did not say what he had planted or how many plants or what stage they were in, my thought was that perhaps he was running his exhaust fan too much.  Of course this would only be true if he has plants in the vegetation or flowering stage.  Early plants just past germination are not likely to produce enough transpiration on their own to significantly elevate the humidity.

But maybe some of you folks have a better suggestion for our new grower.  If you do, please feel free to leave it in the comments and I will pass it on to him.

And now for some photos

new grower tent new grower humidifier new grower exhaust fan

So give your suggestions and your comments below.  Even better, send me (maryjane@420beginner.com) some photos of your growing successes.  I will be thrilled to post your photos too.

Remember.  Good Growing IS Good Karma

MaryJane Farmer

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