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6 No-Cost Books for Bored Lockdowners

With lockdown everywhere, and no place to go, I find myself with a lot of time to read email and surf the web.  I get pretty tired of seeing the same Facecrack crap.  I am frustrated trying to find something new and interesting on Netflix.

So I read a lot of daily email blasts from people who are trying to sell me something, but are doing it in a way that is both interesting and useful.  These daily emails often come from a site that I signed up on to get a free offer of some kind.  Well, here’s a note about where you can get some free stuff from us too.

Free Ebooks

You know that we have a free e-book for beginners who want to grow their own weed, of course.  If you have never gotten a copy, just go here to get yours.  And we often mention our friends at ILGM, who have always offered a free e-book on growing weed (along with great deals on seeds.)

The publisher for 420Beginner and BigBudsGuide also publishes a few other websites.  They all have free downloadable books.

Daily Emails

Sure, just like all free book offers, you have to give your email.  And of course, once you give your email you will receive a daily email which contains free advice that you might want to use, along with offers for other stuff that is not free.  You don’t even have to look at the other stuff if you are not interested. You can always unsubscribe.  But the free books and the daily emails are a no-cost way to kill some lockdown time and maybe even learn something.

Since I am the avatar for the publisher of this site, kind of like Betty Crocker was the avatar for a newspaper column and recipe books and products, I want to give you a list of the other sites my publisher has and a brief description of what you will find in the books and articles on each of those sites.

Body Sites

Let’s start with SkinDeepr.com.  It is a site that gives advice on cosmetics and fashion (mainly fashion) for women, with a particular emphasis on the body-positive person.  Now, it would be nice if everyone could be naturally body-positive, but some people need a little extra advice on how to do it.

The book for SkinDeepr is called My Body-MyRules: 22 Steps to a Positive and Confident You.  Although it is tilted toward women, there is no reason that a man could not also benefit from the advice inside the book.  You can get it from the popup when you go to the website or from the signup form on every page at the side or bottom.  Go here.

Other sites for advice and books on health, nutrition, diet and various body-improvement techniques are at BestWeightLossTips and BestBodyBuildingRecipes.  Titles of articles include

Relationship Sites

My publisher also has a site for relationship advice.  The site is called FindBetterMen.

Although the title of the site seems like it’s for women looking for dates, the articles and the books really give practical tips on a better relationship with the opposite sex in all kinds of scenarios.  There is a book for download and the signup form is on the home page.

Here is a taste of the articles:

Survival Stuff

Finally, in times of plague like now, maybe you want to do more than lockdown and stay home.  Maybe you want to escape completely.  Or maybe you want to prepare for the coronapocalypse.  The site for survival advice is TopSurvivalGear and you can find it here.

Article titles include

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But if you really want to go into the wilderness, you might do well to get the Army Survival Guide.  There are two versions, one from 1992 and one from 2002.

My publisher had a copy of the Air Force Survival Guide from the Korean War era when he was a kid and it was fascinating–how to make a rabbit trap with sticks, how to find plants to eat, how to make a shelter in any climate and other cool stuff.

So the Army Survival Guide might be just what you need to escape from our doomed civilization. (That’s supposed to be black humor.  Kind of like “In the long run, we’re all dead.”)

full size image of maryjane and big bud
Big Bud and MaryJane Farmer

Good Growing, Good Karma, Stay Home, Stay Safe.

MaryJane Farmer

Last update on 2025-01-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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