Home » Army Survival Guide

Army Survival Guide

Here are the Army Survival Guides. You can download one or both. But be warned–these are MONSTER tomes, some 600 plus pages. That means they are 40+ MB in size even as zip files.

It is more than a little ironic that these books (paperbacks in the original) are so massive.  I guess the Army was being prescient–knowing that everyone would hoard toilet paper, they created a survival guide that can double as emergency toilet paper.

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Anyway, here are the books.  Click on the image and the zip file will download to your computer.  When you download the zip file, click on it to unzip and then click on the book in the new zip folder.

1992 Army Survival Guide 2002 Army Survival Guide

Go here for more free books on survival, relationships, body beautiful and more.

Stay Home and Stay Safe and Good Growing.

MaryJane Farmer


Last update on 2023-02-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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