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Contact Us

If you do not want to leave a comment in the comment section, but want to contact me directly

You Have 2 Options

You can email or phone.  Because 420Beginner is essentially a one-person operation (MaryJane Farmer sez: “I do not have a twin, sorry.”), phone calls and emails will probably be answered within a 24 hour period unless I am traveling.  Also since I move between different time zones (typically between GMT-4 and GMT-7), the time you call or write will affect the time to response.

That said, I try to answer all non-stupid, non-spam contacts.

So email me at MaryJane@420Beginner.com. Or call me at 801-899-6353 and leave a message which (if you speak clearly and slowly) will be transcribed and forwarded to me.

If you are asking about advertising or guest posting, please read this page before sending any emails.  Note that currently we are not accepting new guest posts.

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