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Gifts For You

Books We Publish

If you are bored with Netflix or other movie channels maybe expanding your knowledge and discovering new ideas or interests might be an alternative way to spend your time while stuck at home.

This website, 420Beginner.com, is all about how to grow your own marijuana indoors.  Much of the advice also applies to growing any other vegetable or herb indoors.  The free books about this subject are on another page at this link.

But my publisher (Northern Carib) has several other websites, apart from this one, with a range of topics that you might find interesting and worth exploring; they all have FREE BOOKS for you to download as well as a wealth of information and advice on the website itself.

Survival Skills

Just a short while ago “preppers” were generally thought to be overly paranoid, a sentiment perhaps amplified by shows like Doomsday Preppers, which turns their efforts into fodder for the our entertainment. But in times of crisis, having plenty of supplies and food on hand starts to look far more rational. And, in fact, many of us could learn something from preppers.

The arrival of coronavirus has made it clear that it’s wise to keep some amount of emergency supplies on hand, and, vitally, have a plan in case things go awry. The big questions are what and how much is reasonable and how to store necessities.

The Top-Survival-Gear.com website will answer all your questions and with three FREE BOOKS jam-packed with advice and tips, you can be assured that you will be fully prepared for any eventuality.  Even if you may feel like it’s too late now don’t ignore the advice you will find on the site and in the books. There are many pointers that you may never have even considered and it is never too late to take precautions and be prepared.









We have also provided two downloadable Army Survival Guides. These are huge but will tell you everything you may ever want to know about survival in any situation The page to find these is https://420beginner.com/army-survival-guide/


body positive book coverOne of our related sites provides a whole range of beauty guides with tips and products like cosmetics, skin and nail care and body-positive tips.  It’s called SkinDeepr.com and offers a free book called “22 Steps to a Body-Positive, Confident You”.  Being unable to visit a hairdresser, nail salon, or any beauty or spa treatment due to Corovid-19 has caused a lot of people to worry about their appearance so this could well give you some good advice and ideas for things you can do at home.

Diet and Body-Building

If you have been something of a couch potato over the past weeks, binge-watching Netflix, you might have found your waistline expanding and your energy levels decreasing. Similarly, if you are used to going to the gym on a regular basis you may well be suffering from a lack of exercise. We have 2 websites devoted to providing healthy body dietary information and ways to help you maintain fitness even without going to a gym

Best-Weight-Loss-Tips.com presents a mix of healthy recipes and exercises that can be carried out at home to keep you fit and healthy. There are also three FREE BOOKS to help you lose any weight you may have added and foods that will help you to “eat your way thin”








Best-Bodybuilding-Recipes.com has a similar format but concentrates more on diet and healthy eating. As with the other website, there are three FREE BOOKS to download packed with ideas and advice to keep you fit and healthy and able to come out of “lockdown” ready to move forward and face the future.


Relationships are sometimes difficult to manage under normal circumstance and the “stay at home” regime has added a whole new twist few will have encountered. It may be spending a lot more time with a partner or an enforced absence that may be putting a strain on a relationship that appeared to be strong and under control. We can offer two sites that provide advice and free books that could well give you some insight into managing your relationship under the current conditions. And if you are not in a relationship you will find plenty of tips to ease you into one when restrictions begin to ease.

One is directed towards men and the other to women.  FindBetterMen.com, with lots of advice for women looking for the perfect man, has these three books;









The other site, Impress-Beautiful-Women.com providing advice and guidance for men looking for the perfect partner also has three books with relationship advice.  Being directed toward men, it is somewhat more direct than FindBetterMen.  But the advice in these FREE BOOKS and on the site can be just as much a guide to sensitivity, feelings and emotions as FindBetterMen strives to provide.

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