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Can I Grow My Own?

Grow Your Own Weed Easily

If you are locked down and can’t get delivery, you need to grow your own weed.  If the Apocalypse comes, you need to grow your own marijuana.  If your state or country doesn’t have legal weed, you need to grow your own.  Here’s how to start.

Home-Grown Tastes Better

I have long believed that home-grown weed tasted better, was cheaper, and is healthier than any store-bought pot or anything from your local street pharmacist. Now there is evidence beyond my own experience to back me up.

According to an article in The Guardian, weed lovers in British Columbia vastly prefer street weed to anything sold in stores.  One frustrated cannabisseur complained, “The legal stuff is garbage.”  Another article quoted a back-alley Ottawa dealer: “I do my own market research.  I ask people, ‘Why don’t you go to a legal cannabis store in Ottawa?’ They say, ‘Legal product tastes bad. It’s ’shit.’ I say, ‘Don’t worry, I got you.”

Home-Grown is Cheaper

When it comes to legal, store-bought marijuana, you can find any opinion you want on the taste.  But there is no question about cost:  buying marijuana retail is usually more expensive, sometimes a LOT more expensive, than buying on the street.

That’s part of the reason street smoke is still thriving.  That’s also part of the reason that big cannabizness companies that were stock market darlings a couple of years ago are going into the toilet (or into bankruptcy), more than anyone wants to believe.  So in 2019, according to investing newsletter The Motley Fool, more than 2/3 of California weed businesses listed on Weedmaps were unlicensed, e.g. illegal.

Buying the seeds and the grow kits that you see below, I calculate that you can grow 8 ounces or more with one plant for a total cost of less than $200.  That works out to about $25 per ounce or about $3 per eighth.  Compare that to a Nevada retail store’s advertised price: $30 to $50 or more per eighth.

And despite lab testing, both legal and illegal marijuana carry the risk that they are grown using pesticides and fertilizers contaminated with heavy metals or the plants are contaminated with mold. Some labs bend or even break the rules, according to this article about the “dirty little secret” of testing.  Labs in several states have been fined or shut down for faking their test results in order to please their clients.

Lockdown Makes it Harder to Buy Retail

And finally, there is the problem of delivery.  Sure there are streetside legal vendors in some cities.  Sure there are delivery services in some cities.  But what about you?  Are you situated where you can take advantage of these conveniences?  Chances are the answer is no.  And even if you can, figure another ten bucks or more for delivery.

So what is the better answer?  In my opinion, it is time to start growing your own pot.  If you have never tried it, or you tried it and were frustrated, then there are some very easy solutions that are low cost, readily available, and guaranteed to work.

Home Growing Kits

A Pot For Pot

One of the best is APotForPot.  It’s an all-in-one kit for growing a single plant at home.  Their popular 5-gallon medium kit costs 100 dollars and they claim it can produce 8 ounces in 80 days.  To make it better, shipping from APotForPot is free and of course your grow kit is reusable and expandable when you want to grow bigger.


If you want something a little fancier, and especially if you don’t have a good source of sunlight, then you should try this herb garden kit which comes with an LED Grow Light included and tuned for the size of the garden. 

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Where to Get Marijuana Seeds

Everything you need to grow a plant is included in these kits–EXCEPT for marijuana seeds.  You can get a 2 for 1 deal with seeds that you can buy from our friend Robert Bergman at ILoveGrowingMarijuana.

So for everyone who doesn’t have the money or the space for a larger indoor grow operation, head over to APotForPot or AeroGarden and grab your new home garden kit.

smiling maryjane farmer
Smiling All Day

As the lockdown proceeds, I will get some more info to you on the best options for growing your own marijuana.  If you want to check out other setups now, take a look at my earlier article “Tips and Hacks for Indoor Pot Growers”, available here.

Good Karma and Good Growing!

MaryJane Farmer.


How Much Marijuana Can One Plant Produce?

Even at a minimum, one plant properly grown will produce 6 to eight ounces. Some strains produce much more.

How Long Does It Take for a Marijuana Plant to Produce Good Pot?

Every strain is different, but in general autoflowering seeds will be fully mature and ready to harvest in 8 to 10 weeks.

How Much Does It Cost to Grow a Marijuana Plant?

If you follow my advice and get an all-in-one grow kit and seeds from ILGM, you are looking at about $200 initial cost. Everything after the first plant is much, much cheaper.

Is Home-Grown Weed Cheaper than Weed from a Legal Store?

Undoubtedly yes. I calculate home-growing to cost about $3 per eighth, while retail prices can be $30 to $50 per eighth for even the least valuable strains.

Does Home-Grown Weed Taste Better than Retail Weed?

Many opinions here, but at least in a couple of provinces in Canada, the consensus seems to be that legal weed is of poor quality compared to illicit marijuana. Whether that is true in the USA is anyone’s guess, but suffice to say that my personal experience is that store-bought tastes like bad tobacco.

Is Home-Grown Better for You?

Illicit street weed is frequently grown with pesticides and non-organic methods and sometimes contains heavy metals. Legal weed is almost always tested, but testing labs are sometimes not overly scrupulous about their results.

Time needed: 60 days

How to Grow Weed at Home

  1. Find a sunny spot in your house or apartment.

    If you don’t have a sunny spot, you will need to get a grow kit with LED Grow Light included. Here is one MaryJane Farmer recommends.Sansi LED 70W Grow Light in contest

  2. Remember that a mature cannabis plant can have a powerful odor.

    Even one plant can create enough odor to bother some people. Make sure your chosen space can be ventilated.

  3. Buy one of my recommended all-in-one grow kits.

    This article has two recommendations, one with and one without an included light.

  4. Buy autoflowering seeds

    Autoflowering seeds come in many varieties and don’t need expert timing to produce fully mature plants. Buy your seeds from our friends at ILGM.

  5. Add water.

    Follow the directions in the all-in-one grow kit for fertilizers and nutrients, which are included with your kit.

  6. Harvest and enjoy.

    Some people will use the fresh buds, but most experienced growers will dry their harvest for a few days to concentrate the cannabinoids.


Last update on 2025-02-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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